Adam with a family in a 1 room shack in South Africa
Why is a "Biblical" Approach an Inherently "Holistic" Approach?
Why is a Holistic Approach an Inherently "Biblical" Approach?
Approach Important No Matter Your Faith:
Eat/Drink Healthy
Develop Great Sleep Patterns
Exercise Regularly (Including But Not Limited to PT, if Applicable)
Tackle Underlying Problems
Seek Help from Trusted Sources & Avoid Suicide
Pertinent Scripture:
Trials in Life are a Growth Opportunity: James 1:2-5; Hebrews 5:8
God is With You: Deuteronomy 31:8
Find Peace While Rejoicing Despite Suffering Through the Power of Christ: Philippians 4:4-13
Find a Sanctuary in a Place of Rest with God No Matter Your Circumstances: Psalm 23
Find Refuge in God: Psalm 46
No Need to Worry About Tomorrow: Matthew 6:25-34
God Knows You & Notices Your Suffering: Psalm 139: 1-18
Bad Things Happen to Good People: Job
Abide in Christ, Meditate on the Word, Walk According to the Word (Principally in Love), Bear Fruit, & Experience Joy: John 15:1-17
Christian Focused Approach:
Play Scripture on Audio
Sabbath Observance
Devotionals on Anxiety
Spiritual Disciplines
Be Part of a Good Church
Read, Watch & Study About Other Christians Overcoming Extreme Obstacles